Whether it is cremation chamber or even a small stretch of land belonging to Hindus, Muslims intrinsically remain attracted to it and leave no stone unturned to grab that land – and in such cases adoption of foul measures come first. Hundreds of such reports have already been published in this site and hence, there is no need of any justification. If Hindus, on the contrary, get united and steadfast to struggle victory is found imminent. Such a gallant success took place recently at Kaliachak No. 3 Block, P.S. Baishnabnagar, District: Maldah regarding the longtime dispute over extensive tracts of Hindus adjoining Khejurighat Crematorium (Shamsan Ghat) occupied by Muslims forcefully for years.
The Hindu strength tuned out to be too overwhelming for Muslims and they had no other option except to retreat.
The large tracts bordering Khejurighat Crematorium belong to Hindus for generations and whenever Hindus started to move to urban areas for better sources of living, parcels of land started remaining vacant. Muslims, never ready to miss a chance to oppress Hindus, captured these pieces of land without seeking permission and started various kinds of farming including wheat. Even if Hindus pleaded to the Muslim cultivators to return their lands, those were never heeded and at times, Hindus were also manhandled and even beaten.
Bolstered by the victory Muslims started creating several problems, harassing Hindu families and their pals during cremations of loved ones. And these problems, with each day it passed, were reaching new heights and became unbearable in due course.
The first initiative to form a Hindu defence against the said misdeeds was taken by Sri Harendranath Sarkar, noted Hindu activist in the environs and also president of the Khejurighat Crematorium committee , and thanks to his insistence, Hindus of the neighboring villages created a strong fold to wage a struggle to recover Hindu tracts and make their own destiny.
A series of meetings of Hindus took place and finally on January 07, 2011, large numbers of Hindus attended a meeting in the crematorium. The valiant Hindu congregation devastated Muslims and to settle the matter peacefully Morol (age 35), Muslim leader, came forward and agreed to desert tracts of no less than 8 bighas. There is no more tension at the moment and Hindu families are jubilant to get back their ancestral lands.
The decisive victory has stimulated Hindus to a large extent.